Oliver’s Suzuki GS750
“I have been a motorcycle mechanic for over 20 years but never done a custom build until now,” says Oliver Lewin, the owner and builder of this 1977 Suzuki GS750. Lewin bought the GS750 disassembled—its many pieces shoved into brown boxes—and he started sourcing parts from other motorcycles, like rear wheel from a Suzuki SV650 and the front end from a Suzuki GXS-R750. Lewin’s favorite parts of the GS750 are “the little touches,” like the brake cylinder bracket made from coat hangers, and he says, “I was lucky enough to have it exhibited at the bike shed London Show in 2019, and now I’m building a custom two-stroke Suzuki GT5550,” which he plans to enter into next The Bike Shed London Show.